Should you bid SeaPort-e Rolling Admissions?

If you are a small business struggling with the bid/no-bid decision for Navy's SeaPort-e 2013 Rolling Admissions, the following tool should make the process more straight-forward.

Because SeaPort-e is a mandatory contract vehicle for some services, the decisions are based on the types of services you provide, the customers you want to target, and your capabilities to prime.

Again, this tool is for SMALL BUSINESSES.

First, you will need to review the 22 functional areas here. (The page will open in a new window. Leave the window open for reference.)

Next, determine the geographical Zone(s) in which your target customers are located.

zone map
zone map

Make your bid/no-bid decision by Zone, for each Zone of interest, using the following decision points. There are only a few questions, but they may require research and planning to answer adequately. (Click the graphic to download the .pdf version of the tool.)

bid no-bid
bid no-bid

If after carefully considering each decision point, you have determined you should bid the next rolling admissions as a prime, your next steps are here.

If you determined you should team up as a sub, you can find a list of potential team-mates here.

I hope you have found this bid/no-bid decision tool helpful.

As always, best of luck!