SeaPort-e Boot Camp a Success!

The February SeaPort-e Boot Camp was a huge hit with attendees. The comments were overwhelmingly positive, and the number-one request was for MORE training on each topic. We heard you, and registration will be open soon for our next event. We have expanded and enhanced the training to better address your individual needs.

Some comments from attendees of the February session:

"World class skills. Genuine experts who transferred their knowledge effectively." "Exceeded my expectations. Very informative, well-prepared, and held my attention. Great tips.” "Would recommend this course 1000%" “Appreciated hearing the real ‘scoop’ and tactics for bid/no-bid, price-to-win, and market/competitive research." “Lots I didn’t know about how to use the [SeaPort-e] portal!” "Great information, succinctly presented. Great insight.” “A lot of material covered in a very short period.” “Relevant not only to SeaPort-e.” “First time hearing nearly all the information.” "There was no frivolous info."

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Some pictures from the February event.

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